Friday, September 17, 2010

Willow reeds and acorns.

It's hard to believe that it is already Friday. It's also hard to believe I haven't done a Fantastical Friday post for awhile. Because all Fridays are fantastical, especially this one, thus far. It's seven twenty in the morning here, ten minutes before I'll migrate to the dining hall. An hour ago I was trekking and exploring the early morning on campus. I've been running/ellipticaling every morning this week, and decided that my energy wanted to change it up.

Much to my roommate's probable dismay, I set my alarm for 5:45 (I only let it ring once) and then dressed for the trees. It was wonderful. The fog had yet to lift off the ground by the time I was out there (around six) and continued to rise ephemerally until 6:45, at which time I finally returned to my dorm to get ready. If one had seen me flitting around in the trees in the dead early day, they would've thought me rather crazy. I was talking to the trees as well, which adds to the potentially precieved nutsness. Speaking of nuts. There are acorns EVERYWHERE. And I mean everywhere. And they are beautiful. I found myself meditating for a long time under the willow tree, which will supply plenty of good willow reeds for Mabon (Autumn Equinox festival I plan to celebrate this year).

A very fantastical Friday morning indeed. Though, I must divulge, I wouldn't mind crawling back into bed for a few hours.

1 comment:

  1. Love it.And I'm certain the trees appreciated it as well. Way to change your energy up.
