I am aware that I am a teenager, so by writing this post I am essentially throwing my kind under the bus. But, I highly doubt many, if any, teenagers read this blog. So, here it goes:
We take ourselves too seriously. My writing of this blog is probably taking myself and my writing too seriously, but at least I do it with good vocabulary. The teenage ego is a monumental, impetuous thing that grows and grows and grows until it can't grow anymore, and then, around twenty two, I think it deflates. When we turn thirteen, we leave the human race and become some oddly evolved sub-species of crazy. Adults refer to us as hormonal, when what they really should be saying, is off our rockers. I'm not exactly sure when we return to the race of humans. If I'm still blogging by the time I figure it out I'll be sure to write about it. I would love to shout worldwide to all my fellow teenagers and tell them that no, not everyone is watching them. If they want to do well in school if it means missing this or that social get-together, then so be it. If they want to write a book and not care what their friends quip about it, by all means, go for it! This is not to say I haven't my own insecurities. Though I have a nice singing voice, I hate singing around my friends for fear of judgment. Singing around adults? No problem. Adults have developed that foreign attribute called empathy. Teenagers are, most of the time, apathetic or brutal.
Teenage girls, for example, assume that everyone, and I mean everyone is constantly critiquing them. We wander around like little adults, except, I'm pretty sure most adults don't live in constant fear of peer-critique. Granted, not all teens are like this, and I will have to be most careful over the next few days in case a teenager did read this and is now hunting my head.
And there you have it. My vent on teenagers is over, and I can more comfortably walk among my kind and accept my fate for the next five odd years.
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