I woke up, ate my breakfast, made some coffee, turned on the computer, and found myself at my blog. Thus far, I am committed!
Ballet last night was good. I wasn't as wretched as I thought I was going to be, though a summer of non-ballet related activities made for some pretty sore hammies. I'm still hobbling around. And to make things all the better, my dear friend who just moved back to Taiwan is doing the class as well! It is rather awkward walking around the halls of the school. I attended it from the first grade to the eighth, and then quit. I was homeschooled for a year and a half (3 semesters) only to reenter the second semester of my tenth grade year (though they put me in ninth grade for whatever reason!). So, you can maybe see how that would make for some awkward hall wanderings. And then you get the people who think I'm still going there, and I must explain that I'm leaving (again), though boarding school is easier on their ears than homeschooling. I don't blame anyone. I am hard to keep track of.
On a lighter note, my parents will most certainly be visiting me in the states over Christmas break. That way they can see the school, the snow, and we can all have a low-key vacation with just the three of us. My mom and I were talking last night about the school. We're both extremely excited (as is my dad), but we are all going to have to adjust to missing one another. I said that if the school was in Taiwan I would be happy to just stay. But my mom pointed out that part of the draw is the school's east coast location and beautiful weather. 'Tis true. Maybe I'm more ready for semi-independence than I think. Maybe I just don't want to think about it too much.
Today's front holds another ballet class, updated my mother's sadly outdated iPod, and reading reading reading my last required reading book. I think I have selective literary attention problems. If I like the book, no problem, give me fourteen hours. If I'm not so excited, well, pitch a tent. This one is called The Golden Gate by Vikram Seth. Quite well written. Endearing characters. I have about 100 pages left. Wish me luck, dear readers.
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