To explain my title...My school has a relatively open policy regarding student clubs. Their website says that any student can start an organization, as long as there is no hazing involved. That will not be a problem. I've never been much of a club starter, rather the one that shied away from any institution led by people of my own age. Again, I'm not saying that young people can't lead successful clubs and such, I've just never been turned on by any of them. Sorry to digress. Since I am going to my school for the amazing writing program it offers, I think it would be fitting that I start a young writers society. Thanks to my friend Emma, I realized that the name of said group should involve society. With my mom last night, we came up with the Novelists Nouveaux Society. It's a play on The Dead Poet's Society and Art Nouveaux.

Will you provide the mosquito tent and zappers?
ReplyDeleteBut of course.