'Twas a joyous morning of hugs, kisses, and stories as my dad returned from San Diego! He got home earlier than expected so he got to spend time with my mom and I before she went to work. He looks great, sounds great, and smells like an airplane. The conference went well, and I expect that we'll have a very long, amusing story session one of these nights. Although, he said in one of his emails that it would take more than one evening to tell them all. He brought us bars of soap made en Francais. Alors, c'est bien!
My good friend here in Taiwan told me that she has a friend at my school in the ballet program. Being the skilled facebook stalker that I am, I looked her up and befriended her. She is incredibly nice, sweet, and eager to be friends and help out. If everyone is half as nice as she is, I am in for an amazing three years at boarding school! This weekend my mom bought me a new green suitcase for my travels. I've heard horror stories about people bringing six to eight bags to college and high school, so I am going relatively lightly with a green suitcase and a duffle. I don't think the gravity of my leaving has really settled on me yet. Of course it has about my parents. We've had our teary moments. I'm just glad that both my parents are as excited as I am. It would really put a damper on things if one or both of them didn't want me to go or had reservations. Not these two. They are as spasmodically excited as I am and I thank my lucky stars every day.

Don't forget to turn on that iPhone! Will be anxious to hear from you. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteWill do! I'll turn it on as soon as I get to Boston. Can't wait to talk to you guys.
ReplyDeleteLove Kaiyuh
ze green machine will see you there well. GONNA MISS YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it will. GONNA MISS YOU TOO MOMMA!!!