Much to my roommate's probable dismay, I set my alarm for 5:45 (I only let it ring once) and then dressed for the trees. It was wonderful. The fog had yet to lift off the ground by the time I was out there (around six) and continued to rise ephemerally until 6:45, at which time I finally returned to my dorm to get ready. If one had seen me flitting around in the trees in the dead early day, they would've thought me rather crazy. I was talking to the trees as well, which adds to the potentially precieved nutsness. Speaking of nuts. There are acorns EVERYWHERE. And I mean everywhere. And they are beautiful. I found myself meditating for a long time under the willow tree, which will supply plenty of good willow reeds for Mabon (Autumn Equinox festival I plan to celebrate this year).
A very fantastical Friday morning indeed. Though, I must divulge, I wouldn't mind crawling back into bed for a few hours.
Love it.And I'm certain the trees appreciated it as well. Way to change your energy up.